I Can't Make Boys!
When my wife and I found out we were going to be first-time parents, I couldn't express in words just how excited and blessed I felt. When the baby was born I couldn't put into words how excited I was to find out that I was the father of a little girl. Several years later we found out we were expecting again. (Actually, this was a story in itself. I'll share it with you later.) We decided to do what we had done with the first pregnancy and be surprised on the delivery date. I cannot say I was all that surprised to find out that we now had two beautiful girls in our growing family. Fast-forward several more years to when my wife and I decided to find out the gender of our third-born. This baby was a modest one. The sonogram technician couldn't determine the gender because the baby kept their legs closed and turned to the side. We would find out that we had, (drum roll) girl number three. Just two years later we found ourselves in the OBGYN's office once a